Room B design and Development
I have spent the past two years working at a small furniture company who focuses on seating. Wile at Room B Design and Manufacturing i have had the chance to become well versed in the construction methods employed while making fine furniture. Confident working in a shop, I am able to bring forward a custom design from idea to production, developing foresight through every experience. I have been responsible for managing and organizing the production shop, making sure supplies has been there when needed, and the system is running smoothly.
While at Room B I have become more versed with the 3D Software Rhino, using it to develop metal parts as well as designs, giving us a chance to explore the pros and cons of each idea. With the end goal of marrying the wood and metal with an elegant and robust solution. Being such a small shop it has had its challenges, but I have grown immensely from it as a designer, woodworker and manager. |
Dining Table
This is a design commissioned by a local design company in Calgary. I had the opportunity to take the inspiration image and translate it into a viable design utilizing the aesthetic vocabulary developed by Room B. I begin by drawing out the design options in Rhino, then making necessary adjustments based upon the ergonomics of the mockup's constructed. Leading to the final iteration of these tables which blend powder coated metal a frames wooden beams and gussets.One of the goals was to create a product that would be robust yet easy to assemble once all the parts had been finished.
I played the role of lead designer, coming up with the a frame legs and stretcher design with a through tenon, as well as overseeing the production process making adjustments, and involved in meeting with the designers who commissioned the project. |